send away
英 [send əˈweɪ]
美 [send əˈweɪ]
遣走,解雇; 遣散
- terminate the employment of
- The boss fired his secretary today
- The company terminated 25% of its workers
- stop associating with
- They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock
- And I'd probably send me away, too.
就算你不送,我也会把自己送走的。 - I knew her parents were planning to send her away.
我只知道她父母打算送走她。 - You must, you must send away this friend of yours.
你必须,你必须把你的朋友送走。 - She was gonna send me away. I saved her the trouble.
她要送我走。我给她带来麻烦。 - Sheriff, why'd you send them away "asked the man," now they will never come back.
长官,你怎么打发他们走了啊“那个人问道,”这样,他们再也不会回来了。 - Command the Israelites to send away from the camp anyone who has an infectious skin disease or a discharge of any kind, or who is ceremonially unclean because of a dead body.
你吩咐以色列人,使一切长大麻风的,患漏症的,并因死尸不洁净的,都出营外去。 - Send away male and female alike; send them outside the camp so they will not defile their camp, where I dwell among them.
无论男女,都要使他们出到营外,免得污秽他们的营.这营是我住的。 - Then Joab came to the king, and said, what have you done? When Abner came to you why did you send him away and let him go?
约押去见王说,你这是作什么呢?押尼珥来见你,你为何送他去,他就踪影不见了呢? - Please don't send me away with this dreadful man, sir.
求您别让这个可怕的人把我带走,先生。 - I'll send everybody away.